Frequently Asked Questions


Listed below is a collection of our most commonly asked pre-sale questions. If you do not find the answer to your question below, please feel free to contact us via our helpdesk

Do you accept international customers?

Yes, we have clients from all over the world. If you have a credit card, debit card or PayPal account, we will be happy to host you - no matter where you live.

How long after ordering will my account be setup?

Once your payment has been verified and you have passed a fraud check, we will activate your account. This normally takes 1-2 hours, but we guarantee a 24 hour turnaround.

How is customer support handled?

The quickest and preferred method of contacting support is to contact us via our helpdesk.

What is the process of upgrading my account?

Upgrading your account is quick and easy. Simply contact us via our helpdesk, specifically the Billing Department. Please include the plan you would like to upgrade to.

Will you help me move from my previous host?

If your previous web hosting provider uses cPanel/WHM we can automatically move your files over to our server. Please contact us via our helpdesk. Please be sure to include the IP address of your previous server, the account username and the account password. If your previous host does not use cPanel/WHM, you will need to download a backup of your site and then upload that backup onto your account, unfortunately will not be able to do this for you. However, we can guide you during the transfer. In some cases, the cPanel/WHM automatic account transfer fails, in this case, you will need to download a backup of your site via your previous host's cPanel and then upload that backup through your new cPanel.

Do you allow websites with adult content?

Websites with adult content must be approved prior to being uploaded to our servers. Clients who do not receive approval prior to uploading adult content will have their account terminated from our network without warning. To contact us regarding your website's content, please contact us via our helpdesk.

How many accounts do you put on a server?

We do not place a set limit of accounts per server. We take into consideration the hardware configuration of each particular server and then place an appropriate number of accounts on it. We place a set number of accounts on the server, then monitor the server for several months and then evaluate if the server can handle more. We constantly monitor our servers and the overall load to ensure the best performance for your website.

How often do you back up files on the server?

Backups are performed nightly and transferred to secondary storage. Even though we perform nightly backups, we highly encourage our users to maintain their own backups of your files. is not responsible for any loss of data.

Do you offer a free trial?

Because we have a 30 day money back guarantee on shareed and vps plans, we do not offer a free trial account.

What happens if I reach my bandwidth limit?

Our clients on a shared hosting plan will receive an e-mail dispatched automatically from the server upon reaching 80% of your allocated bandwidth resource. It is the client's responsibility to contact us upon receiving a bandwidth notification and to make arrangements with Users who exceed their bandwidth have two options: upgrade your hosting plan or have your account suspended to prevent overage. It is your responsibility to monitor your usage and to contact us if you will exceed your allocation. If a client does not contact us regarding their impending bandwidth overage, the system will automatically suspend the account for exceeding their allocation.

Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied?

We are positive that you will be satisfied with your account, however, if you are not, you are entitled to a full refund within 30 days of opening your account. Please note that refunds will not be issued to accounts that have violated our Terms of Service or have used 50% of their allocated resources.

Is SSH access enabled on my account?

By default, SSH access is not enabled on your account. If your plan includes SSH access at no additional charge, you will need to contact us via our helpdesk to have this activated. Please note you will need to agree to a zero strike policy for SSH access to be activated. More information can be obtained from our helpdesk.

Do I have access to my account's statistics?

We have several statistics programs available for use in your account's control panel.

Do you offer managed dedicated servers?

Yes, we will keep your servers up to date with patch releases and minor configuration updates. Please see our managed dedicated servers section for more information.

Will I have root access on a semi dedicated or dedicated server?

Yes, you will have complete unrestricted access to your server including root access. Shared and Reseller accounts do not have root access, but do have SSH access available upon request.

What is the fixed price guarantee?

We guarantee the price you originally sign up with. This means that for however long you are a client of, you will always pay the same fee per billing cycle for your account with us. The only time it would change is if you upgrade or downgrade your account with us.

What is the 30 day money back guarantee?

At, we pride ourselves in providing a quality hosting service which sets us apart from the competition. If you are not happy with your hosting service with us at any time within the first month, you are entitled to a full refund of the hosting account. You may request a refund under this guarantee by contacting us via our helpdesk. Please note the 30 day money back guarantee applies to all shared and reseller hosting accounts only, for both Linux and Windows accounts. The guarantee does NOT apply to semi-dedicated servers, dedicated servers, domain names and SSL certificates.

Do you have referral/affiliate program?

At, our affiliate program starts out at 5% and goes upto 15%+ The plan depends on the total billing amount you refer over time. Payments are deposited as live credits into your account, that you can then request a check or PayPal transfer out of. For more information on our program, please visit our affiliate area.

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